Comic Book movies

I can't pretend to know all the ins and out of comic book characters. I have to admit that I'm pretty ignorant about comic books. I never really had a chance to read them when I was a kid. In fact, the only superhero comic books I ever read came from the short-lived Marvel New Universe series. My favorite superheroes (Justice, Star Brand, Nightmask) have been out of print for almost thirty years.

My favorite comic book/superhero films are:

The Christopher Nolan Batman films
The Richard Donner Superman films
Sin City
The Incredibles
Iron Man 1,2,3
The Rocketeer
V for Vendetta
Spiderman 1,2,3

Wonder Woman
Captain America 1,2,3
Guardians Of The Galaxy 1,2

Honorable Mention:
The Incredible Hulk (Ang Lee version)
Ghost Rider
Dick Tracy

The Hellboy franchise
The Punisher (2004)
The Losers
Scott Pilgrim
Avengers 1,2,3
Man Of Steel
Hero At Large

My Shameful Guilty Pleasure in this genre:
Flash Gordon

The comic book character that I really hope gets a great film someday:
The Shadow
